
Tag: thank you

Tara Brach : Releasing Karmic Patterns

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-11-10 – Releasing Karmic Patterns – We all have conditioned patterns of thinking and behaving that keep us identified as a separate, deficient self. This talk investigates the roots of this conditioning and ways that pausing and awakening mindfuln…

Tara Brach : The Path of Peace

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2007-10-03 – The Path of Peace – Awakening from the Trance of Separation – We all have conditioning that can keep us at war with our inner life, and fuel violence in the world. These universal tendencies can block our natural attunement and capacity to…

Tara Brach : Loving the Earth

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-09-29 – Loving the Earth – How is it possible that we humans have wreaked such havoc on this planet, on the web of life that we belong to? This talk explores the ways that egoic consciousness can lead to violating life, and how evolving conscious…

Tara Brach : Be All That You Are

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-09-15 – Be All That You Are – We are conditioned to live in stories that obscure the vastness, goodness and mystery of what we are. This talk explores the ways we construct a limited self-identity and the pathways to realizing and living from a fu…

Tara Brach : Equanimity

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-09-08 – Equanimity – Cultivating equanimity means awakening our capacity to meet the winds of life with a non-reactive, open, balanced presence. The gift of this presence is that we can see clearly what is happening within and around us, and respo…

Tara Brach : Equanimity

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-09-08 – Equanimity – Cultivating equanimity means awakening our capacity to meet the winds of life with a non-reactive, open, balanced presence. The gift of this presence is that we can see clearly what is happening within and around us, and respo…

Tara Brach : Joy

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-09-01 – Joy – Joy is an innate capacity, one of the primary expressions of an awakened heart and mind. Yet because of our conditioned patterns of thought and emotion, this capacity for openness, happiness and full aliveness can be obscured. This …

Tara Brach : Self-Forgiveness

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-08-04 – Holding ourselves with a compassionate, forgiving heart is the gateway to healing, and to intimacy with our world. This talk explores our deep conditioning to be at war with ourselves, and the insights and elements of forgiving that can ca…

Tara Brach : Trusting Who We Are

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-07-28 – If we investigate, we will find that much suffering arises out of mistrust–of ourselves, others and life. This talk explores the genesis of the great challenges of doubt and mistrust, and the pathway to trusting the goodness that is our e…

Tara Brach : Turning Towards What You Love

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-07-21 – For many of us, the most apparent junctures of spiritual transformation are spurred on by challenging life situations. This talk looks at how our conscious aspiration for awakening, and our practice of mindful presence, can help us find pe…

Tara Brach : The True Revolution

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2007-12-19 – In Buddhism, lovingkindness is considered a divine abode, our true home. This talk explores how we can recognize the mask that covers insecurity, inhabit our essential goodness of Being, and let ourselves touch and be touched by love. This…