Tag: People

The Mindset Mentor : What Do You Deserve?

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 171 – Everything is immediate nowadays. You can get the answer to almost any question, anywhere, and at the touch of your smartphone. Because of that, people today want immediate gratification. Success is never immediate, success takes…

The Mindset Mentor : Delay Your Gratification

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 153 – People overestimate what they can do in a year but underestimate what they can do in a decade. Why are most people unsuccessful? Because they want instant gratification – sleeping in, Netflix, eating junk food.  But success if fo…

The Mindset Mentor : Share Good

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 151 – This is the best time to be alive in human history, although the news would have you think otherwise. Crime is down, people are happier and technology is amazing! In this episode I dive into this topic and challenge you to share …

The Mindset Mentor : Follow The Headlights

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 149 –  Most people worry about the future, though they have no idea if they’ll even be alive tomorrow. It makes no sense to focus on something that isn’t even here yet and may never get here. In this episode I talk about how life is li…

The Mindset Mentor : Be Happy For No Reason

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 148 – Why do people in society think it is normal to be sad or have a crappy attitude but when we walk around always happy and excited people think we are on drugs? In this episode I talk about this topic and dive into how to control y…

The Mindset Mentor : How to Meditate

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 143 – Meditation is one of the easiest things to do and has massive benefits so why don’t people do it? The overcomplicate it! In this episode I teach you how to meditate and talk about all of the benefits. At the end I issue a challen…

The Mindset Mentor : Master Your Reactions

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 137 – A big mistake that people make is identifying themselves as the reaction that they most frequently use. For instance, people say they are emotional, lazy or stressed out. They are NOT that emotion, they just frequently use it so …

The Mindset Mentor : The Power of Clarity

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 135 – Want to know the main reason people don’t hit their goals? Because they are not clear on EXACTLY what they want. They have a general idea but the never know in detail exactly what they want. In this episode I talk about the two m…

The Mindset Mentor : How to Quit Your Job

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Ep 132 – Over 70% of people hate their job according to the NY Post. So why do they still work there? What can they do to break away from it? In this episode I tell you how to quit your job if it is something that you are trying to do.

The Mindset Mentor : You Are Not Broken

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 130 – Your are not broken, your are a human, You are flawed, you have f**ked up in the past and people have screwed you over. In this episode I talk about how to view yourself and your past even if it’s not very pretty.

The Mindset Mentor : Ready, FIRE, Aim

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Episode 128 – The concept of ready, fire, aim is to start before you are ready. Because if you wait for the perfect time, you will wait forever. Lots of people say they are “planners” and that is why it is hard for them to start, when in reali…

The Mindset Mentor : Outgive Everyone

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
episode 126 – You want to know how to be successful in life? In every relationship you go in to, give more than the other person. People have the misconception that the most successful people in the world are the most selfish. That could not b…

The Mindset Mentor : Dealing With Bad Days

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Ep 124 – If you think about it nothing is really good or bad, it is only the label that we give it. That being said people allow little things that happen completely ruin their day. You must learn that nothing can make you made without you giv…

The Mindset Mentor : The World Owes You Nothing

The Mindset Mentor https://art19.com/shows/the-mindset-mentor by Kast Media
Ep. 119 – Everything is immediate nowadays. You can get the answer to almost any question, anywhere, and at the touch of your smartphone. Because of that, people today want immediate gratification. Success is never immediate, success takes tim…

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