
Tag: People

Addicted 2 Success : The Pandemic Helped Me Battle Test My Habits. These Are the Ones That Stood Out

Addicted 2 Success https://addicted2success.com by Tuseet Jha If you’d like to learn how to develop strong habits so you can improve all aspects of your life, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of Addicted2Success.com, Joel Brown. Our habits can destroy us. Habits are a big part of who you are. Do something enough times and that […]

PMP Certification Exam Prep & Training – Velociteach : Episode 110 – A Project Story – Pivot without Mercy

PMP Certification Exam Prep & Training – Velociteach https://www.velociteach.com by Velociteach

Many project managers are currently having to pivot, shift, change plans, and start over due to the coronavirus pandemic. John Houser shares his story about wrapping up an adoption of a Scaled Agile Framework(SAFe)just as COVID-19 started to impact their operations at Spectrum Healthcare. Table of Contents 00:48 … Meet John 02:10 … Spectrum Healthcare […]

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Addicted 2 Success : 10 Life Changing Quotes That Helped Me Create A Meaningful Life

Addicted 2 Success https://addicted2success.com by Alex Lenox Meaning isn’t something you stumble upon. It’s something you consciously build into your life. Its foundation rests on your experiences, beliefs, and core values. The people you love, the things you cherish, and what you’re willing to sacrifice make up who you are. Each of us needs to reconstitute meaning in our lives. We need […]

The Overwhelmed Brain : Working through those old emotional triggers so that you can stop the PTSD and start living life again

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com by Paul

Emotional triggers are what develop when you go through a traumatic event in your past, then the memory of that trauma stays with you and comes up at different times causing you to feel upset, hurt, or angry, which can affect your relationships and your life. Experiencing an emotional trigger is like PTSD and it […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : The intimacy that happens behind their back

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com by Paul

Cheating and infidelity can be a sensitive topic. You could be a victim to it, you could be the cheater, or you could be the one seeing someone who is cheating on their partner to be with you. No matter what, there is almost always heartache on the other side. It doesn’t mean there isn’t […]

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Addicted 2 Success : How Much Sleep Do You Need? The Sleep Routines of 50 Ultra Successful People

Addicted 2 Success https://addicted2success.com by Lorraine Kipling How much sleep do high-achieving CEOs, entrepreneurs, and artists need to fuel their ambitions? It’s well known that a good night’s sleep has lots of benefits, from lower stress and better emotional resilience, to healthy immune systems and lower risk of certain diseases. Uninterrupted sleep usually makes for sharper focus and concentration, too. Surely that […]

Addicted 2 Success : How to Create Thriving Opportunities During Unfortunate Times

Addicted 2 Success https://addicted2success.com by Razvan Romanescu If you’d like to learn how to thrive during uncertain times so you can always find ways to be successful, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of Addicted2Success.com, Joel Brown. The current situation we are all dealing with in the world has had an unprecedented impact on businesses, both […]

Neil Patel : How to Find Your Target Audience

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Rafael Mayrink

When I first started out in marketing, I thought traffic was everything. I wanted to be as big as companies like HubSpot. Just look at the image above and you’ll see how many visitors they are getting. They generate 29.61 million visitors a month from 11.74 million people. And those visitors produce roughly 10 billion […]

The post How to Find Your Target Audience appeared first on Neil Patel.

The Overwhelmed Brain : Depression or the blahs shouldn’t be a way of life

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com by Paul

If you’ve suffered depression and haven’t found your way out yet, or you’ve found your way out but it still sneaks up on you, I share some strategies in this episode that may help you feel just a glimmer of something better.  I’m going to tell you about a person that wrote to me a […]

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Addicted 2 Success : Women Trailblazers: The Most Successful Female Founder in Every Country

Addicted 2 Success https://addicted2success.com by Lorraine Kipling If you are a female entrepreneur, it’s natural to feel like the odds are against you. After all, there continues to be a significant bias towards a male-leadership model, and investors still tend to be more cautious in their response to pitches from women. You shouldn’t be put off by nay-sayers, though. If you’ve got […]

The Overwhelmed Brain : When loved ones resist the decisions you need to make for yourself

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com by Paul

I received an email from someone who had to make hard decisions in his life, and has suffered throughout his life because of those decisions, and other challenges that plagued him when he was younger. The letter says, “Hi, Paul. I’m here to say a deep, heartfelt thank you. I discovered your show recently and […]

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Addicted 2 Success : What You Give and Receive Through Mentoring

Addicted 2 Success https://addicted2success.com by Tim Gentry I’ve always believed that the relationships and lasting connections formed while mentoring are the ultimate reward. On one hand, a mentee gets the direct benefit of advice from a seasoned professional and can make career strides that might not have otherwise been possible without guidance. The pride of watching a junior grow and thrive is […]