
Tag: Music

Neil Patel : Free Video Editing Software For E-commerce Videos

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

High-quality video content is a great way to showcase products professionally in an e-commerce store. AI Multiple, a digital B2B research firm, found that video content makes website visitors 64-85% more likely to buy a product, compared to static images. There are many ways to edit your videos for free. Free video editing software has become […]

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Twenty Thousand Hertz : #110 | Space Audity

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by TED
We’ve all heard the iconic recordings from the Apollo missions. But how exactly does NASA manage to run live audio between Earth and the moon? And how might we chat with astronauts on Mars and beyond? Featuring Astronaut Peggy Whitson, NASA Au…

Neil Patel : How to Use Instagram Filters in Paid Social Media Campaigns

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

One billion – that’s how many people use Instagram each month. With such a huge, highly engaged audience, you can bet the competition between brands is tough. This is why small details can make all the difference, and Instagram filters could play a part in making your social media campaigns more successful. What are Instagram Filters? […]

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Twenty Thousand Hertz : #109 | Sonic Utopia

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by TED
Technology has the power to transform the way our world sounds. It could even give us entirely new ways to experience our surroundings. In this episode, we explore the sounds of the future, and how can we use the tools we already have to build…

Neil Patel : How to Get Verified on Social Media

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Getting verified on social media is one of the first steps to building a successful social media marketing strategy. Whether it’s your personal account, your business account, or both, getting that little checkmark next to the profile name is massively important. And not so that you look like one of the ‘cool kids.’ A verified […]

The post How to Get Verified on Social Media appeared first on Neil Patel.

Neil Patel : Micro Startup Acquisition: The Definitive Guide to Buying and Selling Small Startups

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

The problem with selling your startup is the long exit time. Sometimes it can take as long as seven years before you can sell your business and hop on the next idea. And the investors? They feel the same way. Who wants to wait almost a decade to buy a startup when the face of […]

The post Micro Startup Acquisition: The Definitive Guide to Buying and Selling Small Startups appeared first on Neil Patel.

Neil Patel : How to Leverage Storytelling to Increase Your Conversions

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

In the not so distant past, I embarked on a journey to grow NeilPatel.com to 100,000 blog readers. At the end of every month, I shared my traffic stats and the changes I’d made. That storytelling strategy went on to help my blog reach over 100,000 views a month — in only about eight months. […]

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Twenty Thousand Hertz : #108 | Sound and Silence

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by TED
Sound surrounds us, even in the quietest moments. But depending on how we hear, the world can be a different auditory experience for each of us. This episode features four stories from the TED Radio Hour.Twenty Thousand Hertz is produced out o…

Twenty Thousand Hertz : #107 | Dies Irae

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by TED
For hundreds of years, composers have been using a specific four-note melody to evoke death. It’s appeared in dozens of famous movies, and you probably never even realized it. But once you hear it, you’ll start noticing it everywhere. Featurin…

Neil Patel : 5 Genius Examples of QR Codes in Marketing

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

QR (Quick Response) codes remain a creative way to drive traffic and connect with your audience. But are they still useful in today’s ultra-digital era? Or have they gone the way of flip phones and pagers? As it turns out, QR codes are still a valuable tool for marketers. In fact, QR usage grew 28% […]

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Neil Patel : How to Use Promoted Videos to Generate More E-commerce Sales

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Organic and promoted videos serve multiple purposes for consumers in their increasingly multi-channel B2C journey. More than half of the participants said they switched between search and video channels (Google and YouTube) to make an informed decision about a purchase in a YouTube study. But it’s not just YouTube—Instagram’s video content consumption has shot up by […]

The post How to Use Promoted Videos to Generate More E-commerce Sales appeared first on Neil Patel.

Twenty Thousand Hertz : #106 | Perfect Pitch

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by TED
People with perfect or “absolute” pitch hear every single sound as precise musical notes. Is this extraordinary talent a blessing or a curse? In this episode, we dive into the neuroscience, pluses and pitfalls of absolute pitch. Featuring neur…

Twenty Thousand Hertz : #105 | Tyrannosaurus FX

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by TED
When you imagine the sound of a dinosaur, you probably think of a scene from the Jurassic Park movies. How do sound designers make these extinct creatures sound so believably alive? And what does modern paleontology tell us about what dinosaur…

Twenty Thousand Hertz : #104 | Napster

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by TED
In less than two years, Napster became a global sensation… and then record labels and multi-platinum artists brought it crashing down. But in its short lifespan, Napster transformed our ideas about how we consume music, and how much we’re wi…

Neil Patel : 8 Useful TikTok Marketing Tactics

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Did you know TikTok has around 100 million monthly active users within the US? If you own a business, TikTok marketing can be a great channel for your brand, as there is relatively little competition on the platform. However, if you’re new to TikTok, you may not know how you can use it to market your […]

The post 8 Useful TikTok Marketing Tactics appeared first on Neil Patel.