
Tag: money

Neil Patel : The 5 Best Facebook Ad Companies of 2020

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

2.6 billion. That’s the total number of people on Facebook today. This also means you get direct access to 2.6 billion people on a single platform. So why not make the most of this opportunity and use Facebook to market your products and services for generating leads and driving sales? Advertising on Facebook can be […]

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Neil Patel : The 10 Best Adwords Companies of 2020

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Research shows Google Ads produces 3.5 billion interactions each day, and a 700 percent return on investment for advertisers. If you’re an advertiser, Google AdWords still generates a lot of revenue. The downside is the fact that many companies aren’t able to give their accounts the attention it needs to perform.  If you’re in this position, it’s […]

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Neil Patel : Conversion Rate Optimization Consulting

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Are you currently running an online business? Do you think you can sell more of your products applying the same actions? Because that’s exactly what Conversion Optimization does for you. You’re using the same ads, landing/sales pages, and funnels but they just convert more. That’s something you absolutely want to focus on if you’ve been […]

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Neil Patel : Email Marketing Consulting

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

A question: Do you know anyone who doesn’t have an email? Highly unlikely, right? After all, it’s mandatory to get an email address for all kinds of things – from opening a bank account to signing up for social media platforms to booking flights online. And that’s not it! Nearly 3.93 billion users have email […]

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Neil Patel : Facebook Advertising Consulting

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Social media dominates the present-day marketing landscape. More so, a platform like Facebook that gives you direct access to 2.6 billion people. But is it actually worthwhile to use Facebook? Facebook advertising has definitely increased in popularity, with an increasing number of businesses using the platform to gain new leads and stay connected to their […]

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Neil Patel : The 8 Best CRO Companies of 2020

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Imagine this… Your website is ranked for every keyword you can think of. You are getting enormous levels of organic traffic… Full of enthusiasm, you rush to your sales manager to check the sales status. And your jaw drops seeing you’ve got little to none sales from all of that traffic. If that’s your current […]

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Neil Patel : How to Use Pinterest for E-commerce

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

A lot of businesses still don’t take Pinterest seriously, which is a huge mistake. Pinterest is now the third-largest social network in the United States. Data shows that Pinterest users spend 50% more than competitor sites, such as Instagram or Facebook (who hold the top spots in the US). Not to mention, 90% or more […]

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Neil Patel : Best Business Credit Cards

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

A business credit card is much more than just a convenient payment method; it’s a way for you to earn rewards and benefits for your company. The best business credit cards offer features like purchase protection, membership rewards, travel insurance, and some even pay you cash.  Your next big purchase could result in a free […]

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Addicted 2 Success : 3 Things Every Entrepreneur Must Know to Grow Their Business

Addicted 2 Success https://addicted2success.com by Bryce Conlan It seems like everyone these days is an entrepreneur. After all, anyone with a computer and an internet connection has the opportunities to serve a global audience. The harsh reality is that the vast majority of these budding entrepreneurs will never make the money they hope to through their new business venture. Most will fail […]

Neil Patel : The 8 Best Content Marketing Companies of 2020

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Research from Demand Metric shows content marketing costs 62 percent less but produces three times as many leads as traditional marketing. This is no surprise when you realize 70 percent of people would prefer to learn about a company through an article rather than advertising.  Content marketing can generate huge amounts of traffic, leads, and […]

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Neil Patel : The 6 Best Local SEO Companies of 2020

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Local search has exploded. Research from Think with Google, says local searches with the qualifier “near me” have grown by 150 percent faster than other local search queries. There’s been a 500 percent increase in “near me” mobile searches and a 900 percent increase in “near me today/tonight” searches. When you think about it, this […]

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Neil Patel : How to Choose The Right Ecommerce Agency

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

As an industry, ecommerce is expected to grow at a minimum of 6.3 percent per year. According to Statista, user penetration will be 82.2 percent by 2024, up from 77.3 percent in 2020. The retail apocalypse and a worldwide pandemic have boosted ecommerce growth.  This is good news for ecommerce companies; it’s great news for […]

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Neil Patel : How to Find Any Business Email Address

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

The internet has made communication between businesses more accessible than ever. Collaboration and outreach can often be done with the touch of a button. But sometimes, finding the email address of someone you’d like to communicate with can be such a hassle. Getting someone’s contact info doesn’t have to be a headache. Today, I’ll show […]

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Neil Patel : Best Business Insurance

Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com by Neil Patel

Every business needs insurance. Depending on your business type and industry, some of you will need more protection than others.  Without insurance, you could be liable for potentially hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. What happens if one of your vehicles is involved in an accident? How will you pay for the damages […]

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