
Tag: love

Tara Brach : The Gift of Silence

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2007-09-26 – The Gift of Silence – Through all spiritual traditions, there is a valuing of silence and stillness. When the mind has quieted, it becomes possible to see into the truth of what we are. Yet quieting can turn into a battle with the process …

Tara Brach : Remembering Love (Retreat Talk)

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2011-05-01 – Remembering Love (from IMCW Spring Retreat) – The habit of self-judgment not only causes emotional pain, it creates a trance that obscures the purity and vastness of our Being. This talk explores how a wakeful and forgiving heart can heal …

Tara Brach : Trusting Our Secret Beauty

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2011-03-09 – Trusting Our Secret Beauty – When caught in emotional suffering, we sense that we are living from a reactive, contracted place, and don’t trust or like ourselves. This talk explores the severed belonging that is the genesis of that doubt,…

Tara Brach : Healing into Life and Death

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2011-03-02 – Healing into Life and Death – Given the universal truth that these bodies get sick and they die, what allows us to find freedom, happiness and peace in the midst? This talk explores how, when we get caught in the suffering that arises from…

Tara Brach : Minting Gold (retreat talk)

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-12-31 – Minting Gold – Embodying the Awakened Heart – Our core conditioning expresses as both a longing for love and the pain of not trusting we are loveable. This talk explores how we create the experience of separation, and the key meditative he…

Tara Brach : Ask the Friend for Love

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-12-08 – Prayer, when cultivated consciously, energizes and guides us on the spiritual path. This talk investigates the difference between wanting, with it’s narrow fixation, and the prayer that arises out of our deep heart’s longing. We explore h…

Tara Brach : Releasing Karmic Patterns

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-11-10 – Releasing Karmic Patterns – We all have conditioned patterns of thinking and behaving that keep us identified as a separate, deficient self. This talk investigates the roots of this conditioning and ways that pausing and awakening mindfuln…

Tara Brach : The Path of Peace

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2007-10-03 – The Path of Peace – Awakening from the Trance of Separation – We all have conditioning that can keep us at war with our inner life, and fuel violence in the world. These universal tendencies can block our natural attunement and capacity to…

Tara Brach : Turning Towards What You Love

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2010-07-21 – For many of us, the most apparent junctures of spiritual transformation are spurred on by challenging life situations. This talk looks at how our conscious aspiration for awakening, and our practice of mindful presence, can help us find pe…

Tara Brach : The True Revolution

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2007-12-19 – In Buddhism, lovingkindness is considered a divine abode, our true home. This talk explores how we can recognize the mask that covers insecurity, inhabit our essential goodness of Being, and let ourselves touch and be touched by love. This…

Tara Brach : Stress, Presence and Freedom

Tara Brach http://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach 2007-10-31 – We are designed to respond to stress with flight/fight/freeze and this can proliferate and then harden into our ongoing response to life. The practice of presence, of recognizing and relaxing with what is arising, can cut through this cond…