
tonyrobbins.com : What is productivity, really?

tonyrobbins.com https://www.tonyrobbins.com by Team Tony pro¡duc¡tiv¡i¡ty /ˌprōˌdəkˈtivədē,ˌprädəkˈtivədē/ The classic productivity definition is “a way to measure efficiency.” In an economic context, productivity is how to measure the output that comes from units of input. Farming makes for a good example: …

tonyrobbins.com : What motivates you in life?

tonyrobbins.com https://www.tonyrobbins.com by Team Tony When was the last time you smiled, not because you felt like it, but just for the sake of smiling? You’d probably do it more often if you knew that smiling was making you happier. That’s right! If you made all the facial expressions you make when you’r…

tonyrobbins.com : What motivates people to work

tonyrobbins.com https://www.tonyrobbins.com by Team Tony Have you ever thought about what motivates you to work hard? For most of us, the answer goes beyond money or material gains. Asking what motivates people to work – what inspires them to show up each day and truly give their all – ultimately gets at a d…

tonyrobbins.com : What is the petrodollar?

tonyrobbins.com https://www.tonyrobbins.com by Team Tony From cryptocurrency to Brexit to the Robinhood GameStop stock scandal, the global economy is a hot topic. It’s no surprise that in the face of economic uncertainty, many people are interested in learning about how the global economy actually works – an…

tonyrobbins.com : What is cryptocurrency?

tonyrobbins.com https://www.tonyrobbins.com by Team Tony From Elon Musk tweeting about Dogecoin to the wild fluctuations in the value of bitcoin, cryptocurrency has been in the news lately. All that publicity has many people wondering, “What is cryptocurrency? How does it work? And does it make sense for me …

tonyrobbins.com : A guide to empathy and compassion

tonyrobbins.com https://www.tonyrobbins.com by Team Tony You’re probably familiar with Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” theory, but did you know he also authored a “sympathy hypothesis?” He observed that it took sympathy – what we now call compassion – to raise children, create flourishing communities and …

tonyrobbins.com : What is a fiduciary?

tonyrobbins.com https://www.tonyrobbins.com by Team Tony Would you try to resolve a legal dispute without hiring a lawyer? Would you perform complicated bookkeeping without hiring an accountant? Then why would you try to take care of your financial planning without hiring an advisor? It’s the same idea, yet …

tonyrobbins.com : How to manage your life

tonyrobbins.com https://www.tonyrobbins.com by Team Tony The expectations you set for yourself are sky-high: You want to dominate at work, be an exceptional provider for your family, stay in incredible shape and find ways to give back to your community. People often describe you as an “overachiever,” and in …

tonyrobbins.com : How to keep a relationship alive

tonyrobbins.com https://www.tonyrobbins.com by Team Tony “Long distance never works.” “The seven-year itch is real.” “Children always kill romance.” “You can’t have love and a successful career. You have to choose.” Chances are you’ve heard at least one of these statements, or a variation on the theme, from …

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