
Tara Brach : Beloved Community

Tara Brach https://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach Martin Luther King’s term, “Beloved Community,” points to our potential for living together with love, justice and respect. This talk explores the often hidden expressions of racism that fuel separation and violence, and pathways toward healing and fre…

Tara Brach : Disarming Our Hearts – Part 1

Tara Brach https://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach If we realized how profoundly our chronic judgment creates separation and blocks the flow of love, we’d dedicate more deeply to disarming our hearts. Drawing on practices from the Bodhisattva path, these two talks explore the process of disarming—bridg…

Tara Brach : Meditation: Listening to Life

Tara Brach https://www.tarabrach.com by Tara Brach The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel sensations, and then relax back into the ocean of awareness that includes and…

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