The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial and Kast Media
“The only respect that matters is self respect”
In this episode we talk about getting rid of your self limiting beliefs. We also speak about something called the “impostor syndrome” which is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unabl…
Rob Dial and Kast Media
The Mindset Mentor : Ep. 7 – Expect Nothing From No One & Live Your Purpose
The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial and Kast Media
“Invest in yourself, expect nothing from no one and be willing to work for everything.”
In this episode Rob & Dean speak about the importance in investing your time, money and energy into your life’s purpose. If you are unsure of what your lif…
The Mindset Mentor : Episode 6 – Goals: Make a Plan & Develop Actions Steps
The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial and Kast Media
It is time to make a plan and execute that plan. In this episode we cover what you may have to give up in order to achieve your goals. We will also develop a plan on how to achieve your goals and teach you how to schedule it and how to use you…
The Mindset Mentor : Episode 5 – Goal Setting: Determining your WHY & developing your mission statement
The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial and Kast Media
The key to staying motivated on the journey to your goals is to have a strong WHY. It is what will keep you going when times get tough, and show you why you are really pursuing a goal. In this episode we will talk about what your life could li…
The Mindset Mentor : Episode 4 – Goal Setting: How to
The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial and Kast Media
We cover the most successful way to set goals in this episode and the importance of writing down your goals. We will cover 5 out of the 10 subjects in our eBook – relationships, personal growth, finances, spirituality and career. This is from …
The Mindset Mentor : Episode 3 – Honest Reflection
The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial and Kast Media
Before we conquer our future goals we must first look back and do an honest reflection of how well we have done with past goals – where we have succeeded and where we have fallen short. In this episode we will cover relationships, personal gro…
The Mindset Mentor : Episode 2: Take Control of Your Life & Mind
The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial and Kast Media
Your life is 100% your fault. Sounds harsh but how you react to everything is your decision and therefore your fault. In this episode Rob teaches steps to taking control of your life and mind, controlling your mindset when times get tough and …
The Mindset Mentor : Episode 1: Habits of Successful People
The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial and Kast Media
Here we speak about the habits of all successful people. In order to become successful, we must copy the habits of other successful people. We speak about waking up early, health, work ethic, as well as other habits that we can create in order…