
Dose of Leadership : 241 – Michael Port: New York Times Best Selling Author, Public Speaking Training, Marketing Coach and Entrepreneur

Dose of Leadership https://www.doseofleadership.com by Richard Rierson Michael Port has written six books, including Book Yourself Solid and Steal the Show, the latter which—according to the former President of Starbucks—“might be the most unique and practical book ever written on the topic of public speaking.” He’s…

Dose of Leadership : 251 – Steve Forbes: Reviving America – How Repealing Obamacare, Replacing the Tax Code and Reforming The Fed will Restore Hope and Prosperity

Dose of Leadership https://www.doseofleadership.com by Richard Rierson Conservative icon Steve Forbes returns with his most powerful and provocative ideas yet The United States has been through one of the most tumultuous decades in recent history. Polls show people on both sides of the ideological divide believe that the …

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