
The Overwhelmed Brain : Just how deep do you have to dig to heal unresolved issues?

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

The past can wreak havoc on the present, especially on your relationships. If therapy, reading, watching videos, and learning all you can about how to improve and heal isn’t working, sometimes you need to dig so deep that break down the wall that’s hiding the true source of pain underneath. At that point, healing can […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : When bad things keep happening to you

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

Changing how you respond to and cope with challenges can improve your relationships and life overall. When you’re getting the same bad results over and over again, it might be time for a new perspective to help you create better outcomes.  When times are tough, things will change. When times are tough, they sometimes get […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : Disarming people that disempower you

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

There are mental tools you should have in your toolbelt when dealing with snarky or hurtful people. Their goal might be to make you feel bad or guilty, so you may need to find a way to disarm them so that when they try to hurt you with their words, they become confused when you […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : Obsessing about people

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

Obsession is a potent force, a relentless pursuit that can consume our thoughts, behaviors, and even our lives. It’s a desperate longing that often disregards the clear signs of failure. I know this because I’ve been there. I’ve been obsessed, and it’s not a place I would wish anyone to be. When I was younger, […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : Are your feelings wrong?

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

Have you ever felt unheard or unseen in your relationship? What if someone told you that your feelings don’t matter? How would you react? In this episode, I explore these challenging situations, sharing insights from real-life experiences and discussing the steps you can take to ensure your emotional well-being. I also tackle the tough questions: […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : Does vulnerability increase love and connection?

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

What does it take to feel love and connection? What does it take to show love and connection? Is vulnerability the path? What exactly does it mean? Can you have a strong, loving relationship without the need to be so exposed emotionally? I do my best to answer these questions in this episode. The transcript of […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : The hidden emotions that may be inside you and you don’t know it

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

Most people aren’t taught emotional intelligence in their upbringing. And because of that, there are often lingering negative emotions hanging around inside us that might need to be addressed if we’re going to experience a life without the burden of anxiety, depression, and emotional triggers. Getting out of anxiety and depression is often not an […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : The best kind of relationship is the one where you can be yourself

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

Romantic relationships can create some of the most complex emotional challenges in your life. From heartful to heartache, from elated to deflated, relationships bring us through a roller coaster of emotions until we are either fulfilled or completely drained. It doesn’t have to be that way. Sometimes the right tools and the right mindset can […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : The possibility of reconciling with estranged family

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

Some family does not forgive and move on. The last fight could have changed the relationship forever. Some people hold on to grudges and expect you to come groveling back. But if it’s not your fault, should you? Do you want to reconnect but are waiting for them to apologize? If you have estranged friends […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : Valuing your partner’s values for relationship longevity

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

Do you value what your partner values? If not, you may be in for a rude awakening when they suddenly get upset with you for seemingly no reason. What’s important to you may not be important to them, and vice versa, but it might be a good idea to make it important to you since […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : What did you sign up for in the relationship?

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

When you sign up for a relationship, you sign up for who they are now. But are you signing up for who you hope they’ll be as well? Are there expectations that should be met when it comes to a relationship? And if they aren’t met, do you have every right to demand they be […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : Carrying around the burden of someone else’s secret

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

What do you do when someone you care about tells you a secret that affects other people you care about? Do you follow your heart or your values? Does your moral compass activate and make you express the secret to those who should know? A dilemma like this seems like it has no real good […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : Am I overreacting or are they just a jerk? And the woman who is the last to know about the family secret

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

Are you just too sensitive or is the other person really being a jerk? I read a follow-up email from an episode a few weeks back and answer a question about the difference between being triggered and someone’s bad behavior. In segment two, I get serious and talk about child sexual abuse and what might […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : People can change but what about when they don’t or won’t?

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

Sometimes we’re stuck with someone that doesn’t have our best interest in mind. Not only that, they may even have a not-so-pleasant plan to make us miserable. What do you do with the toxic person that doesn’t want to, or can’t change? Is there hope when you’re in what seems like a no-win situation? I […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : When your top values aren’t being met, the rest of it falls apart

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

When your top level values are being met in your relationships, the rest of it usually works out. When they aren’t, you suffer and the relationship often fails. Every relationship, whether it’s platonic, romantic, or family, contains components that make up what we value. Trust contains confidence and honesty whereas distrust contains fear and stress. […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : When loved ones reject your reality and replace it with their own

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com by Paul

Your mental health is too important to let those in denial ignore your suffering and invalidate your experience. The solution to someone’s ignorance could be to put the harsh truth in their face. Or it could be to just accept that some people will always be blissfully unaware or in full denial. Acceptance that you […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : Will you ever be good enough?

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com/ by Paul

When you are mistreated in some way and made to feel less than dirt, do you accept that you are as you are treated or that you are as you choose to be? Don’t let other people’s perceptions of you define you. Hold yourself to a certain standard and watch everyone else change or leave. […]

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The Overwhelmed Brain : How some life choices bring on your own suffering

The Overwhelmed Brain https://theoverwhelmedbrain.com by Paul

You can be around people that mistreat you, call you names, and are just downright nasty, and you could still be responsible for your own suffering because of how they show up in your life. It’s vital you know the role you play and if you have a choice other than the one you’re making […]

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