
Twenty Thousand Hertz : Auto-Tone

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by Dallas Taylor
The sound of a roaring combustion engine is a fixture of modern life. But as electric vehicles become more and more common, these mechanical sounds will gradually be replaced with artificial tones that have been designed from scratch. And once…

Twenty Thousand Hertz : Songbugs

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by Dallas Taylor
Why do bugs make the sounds they do? And how do they make them? In this episode, we explore the un-bee-lievable world of insect sounds, including crickets who craft tools to make themselves louder, and moths who can jam the natural sonar of ba…

Twenty Thousand Hertz : Breathe Deep

Twenty Thousand Hertz http://www.20k.org by Dallas Taylor
In honor of Mental Health Awareness month, we’ve revamped one of the most personal episodes we’ve ever worked on. To create it, Dallas worked with the team from Meditative Story to tell a story from his former life as a musician. It’s about lo…

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