Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig I didn’t want to have to be the one to tell you this, but… Most of what you’ve been taught about success is holding you back in your network marketing business. Whether you’re in your first year of network marketing or you’ve been around the block a fe…
Bob Heilig
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 284: Stop Saying You Don’t Have Enough Time
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig When you think about the results you’re seeing in your network marketing business, do you consistently wish they were better? And when you think about WHY your results aren’t where you’d like them to be, do you consistently think, “Well, it’s just that…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 283: Do 9 out of 10 People Really Fail in Network Marketing?
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Learn three things to say when people tell you network marketing is ‘a scam’…. Today I want to address the objection almost every single network marketing HATER will give you when they try to trash our industry… How can you call something a ‘legitim…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 282: Why Network Marketers are the Best Parents in the World
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig In today’s #AskBob podcast episode, I answer these three questions from you – my listeners… #1 – How do I re-energize my team? #2 – How do I coach and work with new team members? #3 – How do I avoid feeling exhausted while working towards my goals? …
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 281: The Difference Between Success and Achievement
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig What is your definition of success? A lot of people believe that achievement and success are one and the same. It’s the reason why most of us pursue achievement – working really hard, grinding, sacrificing, and hustling just to hit goals. We think th…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 280: Focus on Progress Over Perfection
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig What matters most to you – PROGRESS or PERFECTION? Let’s say at the beginning of the month you have a goal, and in the process of taking action and moving towards achieving that goal, you are growing, transforming, and building confidence in yourself. …
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 279: How to Save Yourself 5.5 Hours Every Single Week
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Are you spending ALL of your precious time working with your team members? And there’s very little progress to show for it at the end of the month? This is one of the traps that accidental leaders fall into when building their businesses – spending yo…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 278: Are Your Running Your Business Like the Dollar Store?
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Have you trained a new team member, just to see them not ever taking any action? Frustrating, right?! You’ve recruited somebody, spent a lot of hours training and coaching them. But at the end of the day, they were never willing and really serious to …
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 277: Why Starting Small is So Important for Success
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Did you know that starting small is THE KEY to sustainable success in your business? If you’re like 75% of the world’s population (and like me!), you started the year with some type of goal or New Year’s Resolution – a fitness goal, rank advancement,…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 276: Why RIGHT NOW is the Greatest Time in History for NWM
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Did you know that 75 million people quit jobs in 2021? This mass exodus is being called ‘The Great Resignation’ or ‘The Big Quit.’ More people than ever before are questioning their jobs and careers and asking themselves if they’re really happy doing…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 275: A Radically Different Way to Think about Leadership
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig What if the ultimate goal for our business is to become INSIGNIFICANT within it? I was in a network marketing company that celebrated rank advancements and sales by putting you in front of a large room full of people. The spotlight was such a big de…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 274: Are You Taking Growth Oriented Actions (GOA’s)?
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig What’s more important in your business – RESULTS or GROWTH? We hear it over and over inside the network marketing industry… That the secret to success is focusing on the income producing activities (IPA’s) of your business. IPA’s are the front-end ac…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 273: How to Prospect Without Feeling Like a Salesperson
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Are you worried about sounding (and feeling!) like a salesperson when talking to prospects? And is that fear affecting your results? This is one of THE biggest concerns we, as network marketers, have. Honestly, it’s one of the reasons so many peopl…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 272: {Live Coaching} I Feel Exhausted by My Business
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Join me for FREE training on the new Facebook Live Audio Rooms! I’m super excited about this move because Facebook Live Audio Rooms are something I’ve been waiting for a long time! It’s basically like Clubhouse on Facebook except with SO many more feat…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 271: Are You Using Good Form in Your Business?
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Did you know that your business and exercising have a lot in common? After all the holiday festivities, maybe you’ve stepped up your workout regimen. And if so, you know that one concept that is extremely vital in exercise is FORM. In fact, it is …
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 270: The Mindset Comes BEFORE the Rank
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Happy New Year! It’s a fresh start – a new beginning. I believe most of us have already set our goals for 2022. And for so many of you, that probably includes a rank up in your company. So right now, you’re deep into thinking about the tactics, str…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 269: BEST OF 2021: Your Core Story
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig For the final episode of this year, here is our most popular episode of 2021. Are you getting the results you want in your business right now? Because if you’re not, I can almost guarantee you it’s for one reason only. You’re operating from a Red Ligh…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 268: 4 Ways to Build Your Business Over the Holidays
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! Typically, this time of the year we take a little bit of time to reflect, plan, and spend time with loved ones so that we can start the new year rested, refreshed, and ready to go. I also recognize that…
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 267: Never Do Anything Alone
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig I see two common mistakes why leaders struggle in creating independent leaders on their team. #1 – They let go of leaders way too early. #2 – They do everything for their new team members for way too long We, as leaders, are either asking too much of …
Your Virtual Upline Podcast : 266: How Hard Should You Push Your New Recruits?
Your Virtual Upline Podcast by Bob Heilig What is the #1 missed opportunity I see leaders make while onboarding new team members? I see it all the time. You have a new team member. You give them an actionable assignment. They make commitments to do it. And then a week goes by and NOTHING…